Open Source DKP

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If you and your guild have used and enjoy EQdkp and want to see it continue to be developed, donating whatever money you can is a good way to show your appreciation for all of the work that's gone into the development and maintenance of the EQdkp project.

Why do you need donations?
A lot of time went into creating EQdkp, and still goes into maintaining it by fixing bugs and adding requested features - in general, making it better.

In addition to that, hosting fees for EQdkp.com need to be paid on a monthly basis, and donations would help greatly with that.

If half of the guilds currently using EQdkp had around half of its members donate 50 cents one time, that would probably cover the cost of the EQdkp.com server for one year. Additional money would go to the developers of EQdkp for donating their time.

Donated money goes straight to funding the EQdkp.com dedicated server. Anything left over will go to the developers for their time.

If you'd like to donate any amount of money, you can use the PayPal donate link below.

Thanks for your support!