Open Source DKP

EQdkp User Manual
Basic Installation

  • Pre-install:

    • Create, or have ready a MySQL database that EQdkp can use. It should already have a username and password assigned to it.

  • Step 1:

    • Making sure to keep the directory structure in tact, move the unzipped files to a web-accessible directory.

  • Step 2:

    • All files and directories should be owned by your webserver's user/group:

    • $ chown apache.apache -R *

    • All .php files should be readable/executable:

    • $ chmod a+rx -R *.php

  • Step 3:

    • Make sure the directory 'templates/cache' exists and that all sub-directories are readable/writable/executable:

    • $ mkdir templates/cache ; chmod 777 templates/cache

  • Step 4:

    • If you want the installation script to automatically set up your config.php file for you, it should be readable/writeable:

    • $ chmod 666 config.php

  • Step 5:

    • Browse to

    • You should be presented with a page describing your server's settings and information. Once you are sure that your server meets EQdkp's requirements, you can click the 'Start Install' button.

      • Step 5-1:

        • Database host: Your MySQL server name. If it resides on the same server as the web server, you should enter 'localhost'

        • Database name: The name of the database you created for EQdkp, usually 'eqdkp'.

        • Database username: The username with permission to access the database. If you didn't create the database yourself, your host should have given you this information.

        • Database password: The password used with the username from above.

        • Prefix for EQdkp tables: Simply prefixes the name of each table that EQdkp creates and uses. The default of 'eqdkp_' should be sufficient for most installations.

        • Domain name: Should be detected automatically by the installation script, but if not just put the domain name of your server here (ex:,

        • Webserver port: Unless the web server is running on a port other than the default (80), just leave the setting as-is.

        • Script path: The path following the domain name where the script is located. Example: If the full path to the install script is, you would enter '/user/eqdkp/', if the full path was', the path would be '/eqdkp/'.

      • Step 5-2:

        • Administrator Username: This should be a username of your choosing. It will be your administrative account for your EQdkp installation.

        • Administrator Password: A password of your choosing.

        • Administrator Password [ confirm ]: Simply re-type the password to verify it.

        • Administrator E-mail Address: Your (valid) e-mail address.

    • After you're satisfied with the values for the above fields, click the button to proceed. The installer will automatically fill your config.php file and present you with a login field.

      You will be notified if your passwords didn't match, and it will be reset to a default of "admin" - change this later by going to Settings.

      Log in to automatically be redirected to the EQdkp configuration panel where you can configure all aspects of EQdkp. After that, you're ready to begin using EQdkp.

You should now have a functional installation of EQdkp. Remove the install.php file for extra security.